******* 905-383-2116 *******


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3 butterflies look so pretty nestled amongst 50 white roses. Arranged on a 18" heart frame and delivered on a stand. Butterflies are available in Blue, Yellow or Light Red.
Product ID: HEART1
Delivery and Substitution policy:


For same-day delivery, please place online orders by 10am or call the shop for assistance. If the city your delivery is going to is not listed, please call for assistance 905-383-2116 or 800-416-4775.

We make every attempt to deliver to the recipient. If, however, the recipient is not home, we will attempt to leave the order with a neighbour. Please let us know should you rather us not do so, and we will try and re-deliver same day or the following day. Please be advised that, currently, delivery confirmations are not possible on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. You are able to follow up on your orders the day after said holidays.